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Lower Thames Street, City of London, United Kingdom 🌦

À proximité


Billingsgate Roman House & Baths

0 km
Salle de réception

St Dunstan in the East Church Garden

0.1 km

St Mary-At-Hill

0.1 km
Centre de bien-être

Star Freud Wellness Clinic

0.1 km
Poste d'observation

Sugar Quay Walk

0.2 km
Attraction touristique

Public views terrace

0.2 km

St Margaret Pattens Church of England Eastcheap

0.2 km
Site historique

Philpot Lane Mice Sculpture

0.2 km
Attraction touristique

Green sky Londra

0.2 km

Third Space City

0.2 km
Site historique

Monument to the Great Fire of London

0.2 km

Church of Saint Magnus-the-Martyr

0.2 km
Site historique

Old London Bridge

0.2 km
Point de vue

Sky Garden

0.2 km
Attraction touristique

The Fenchurch Building (The Walkie-Talkie)

0.2 km

All Hallows by the Tower

0.3 km
Agence de visites touristiques

London City Walks

0.3 km

Seething Lane Garden

0.3 km
Agence d'excursions en bateau

Thames RIB Experience - Tower Pier

0.3 km

St. Dionis Backchurch Church

0.3 km
Site historique

St Olave's Church Hart Street

0.3 km

HMS Belfast

0.3 km

Gilt Of Cain

0.3 km
Site historique

The Royal Menagerie

0.3 km
Vélo en salle


0.3 km
Site historique

Middle Tower

0.4 km

The Garden at 120

0.4 km
Attraction touristique

Day and Light statue

0.4 km
Site historique

Tower Hill Scaffold Site

0.4 km
Vélo en salle

Athlete Lab

0.4 km

CH Events - Led Screen Hire London Speaker Hire,...

0.4 km
Agence d'excursions en bateau

City Cruises London Tower Pier

0.4 km

Fitness First London Bridge Cottons

0.4 km

Trinity Square Gardens

0.4 km

Tower Hill Memorial

0.4 km

The Tower's Mint the Tower of london

0.4 km
Attraction touristique

Beauchamp Tower

0.4 km
Site historique

Legge's Mount

0.4 km

IMPRINT Church London

0.4 km
Site historique

Memory of merchant seafarers

0.4 km
Attraction touristique

The Queen's Walk

0.4 km
Centre d'escape game

Escape Entertainment

0.4 km

Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula

0.4 km
Centre d'escape game

Komnata London Bridge Experience Escape room

0.4 km
Site historique

Tower Green

0.4 km
Salle de billard

N1 Bar London

0.4 km
Site historique

Anne Boleyn's execution place

0.4 km

St Mary Abchurch

0.4 km

St Peter-upon-Cornhill Church

0.5 km
Site historique

Bloody Tower

0.5 km
Site historique

Traitors' Gate

0.5 km

Église Saint-Michael Cornhill

0.5 km
Poste d'observation

The Lookout

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

The London Bridge Experience & London Tombs

0.5 km
Musée du patrimoine

The Crown Jewels

0.5 km
Site historique

Wall of the Innermost Ward

0.5 km
Site historique

Wakefield Tower

0.5 km
Salle de billard

Bermondsey Bierkeller

0.5 km

Emperor Trajan Statue

0.5 km

Beatz London

0.5 km
Site historique

Navigation statue by P. G. Bentham

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

Southwark View Point

0.5 km
Site historique

London Wall

0.5 km

Waterloo Block

0.5 km
Site historique

London Stone (remaining part)

0.5 km

The Steel Yard

0.5 km
Parc aquatique

Water Fountains

0.5 km
Site historique

Roman Wall

0.5 km
Musée national

Royal Armouries: White Tower

0.5 km

Tower of London

0.5 km
Site historique

Ceremony Of The Keys

0.5 km
Centre de conférence

Tour de Londres

0.5 km
Site historique

White Tower

0.5 km
Vélo en salle

MPowered Indoor Cycling Certification

0.5 km
Site historique

Garraway’s Coffee House plaque

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

Summer by the river

0.5 km

St John's Chapel

0.5 km
Site historique

The Cornhill Water Pump

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

Tower Wharf

0.5 km

Electric Dreams 80s club @ The Cannick Tapps

0.5 km
Terrain de golf couvert

Plonk Crazy Golf - Borough Market

0.5 km
Site historique

Roman Wall of Londinium

0.5 km

The Scoop

0.5 km

Sculpture in the City The Granary - Jesse Pollock

0.5 km

Minerva (Alan Collins’ sculpture)

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

Silver Tiger statue

0.5 km

St Mary-At-Hill

0.1 km
Centre de bien-être

Star Freud Wellness Clinic

0.1 km
Poste d'observation

Sugar Quay Walk

0.2 km
Attraction touristique

Public views terrace

0.2 km

St Margaret Pattens Church of England Eastcheap

0.2 km
Site historique

Philpot Lane Mice Sculpture

0.2 km
Attraction touristique

Green sky Londra

0.2 km

Third Space City

0.2 km
Site historique

Monument to the Great Fire of London

0.2 km

Church of Saint Magnus-the-Martyr

0.2 km
Site historique

Old London Bridge

0.2 km
Point de vue

Sky Garden

0.2 km
Attraction touristique

The Fenchurch Building (The Walkie-Talkie)

0.2 km

All Hallows by the Tower

0.3 km
Agence de visites touristiques

London City Walks

0.3 km

Seething Lane Garden

0.3 km
Agence d'excursions en bateau

Thames RIB Experience - Tower Pier

0.3 km

St. Dionis Backchurch Church

0.3 km
Site historique

St Olave's Church Hart Street

0.3 km

HMS Belfast

0.3 km

Gilt Of Cain

0.3 km
Site historique

The Royal Menagerie

0.3 km
Vélo en salle


0.3 km
Site historique

Middle Tower

0.4 km

The Garden at 120

0.4 km
Attraction touristique

Day and Light statue

0.4 km
Site historique

Tower Hill Scaffold Site

0.4 km
Vélo en salle

Athlete Lab

0.4 km

CH Events - Led Screen Hire London Speaker Hire,...

0.4 km
Agence d'excursions en bateau

City Cruises London Tower Pier

0.4 km

Fitness First London Bridge Cottons

0.4 km

Trinity Square Gardens

0.4 km

Tower Hill Memorial

0.4 km

The Tower's Mint the Tower of london

0.4 km
Attraction touristique

Beauchamp Tower

0.4 km
Site historique

Legge's Mount

0.4 km

IMPRINT Church London

0.4 km
Site historique

Memory of merchant seafarers

0.4 km
Attraction touristique

The Queen's Walk

0.4 km
Centre d'escape game

Escape Entertainment

0.4 km

Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula

0.4 km
Centre d'escape game

Komnata London Bridge Experience Escape room

0.4 km
Site historique

Tower Green

0.4 km
Salle de billard

N1 Bar London

0.4 km
Site historique

Anne Boleyn's execution place

0.4 km

St Mary Abchurch

0.4 km

St Peter-upon-Cornhill Church

0.5 km
Site historique

Bloody Tower

0.5 km
Site historique

Traitors' Gate

0.5 km

Église Saint-Michael Cornhill

0.5 km
Poste d'observation

The Lookout

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

The London Bridge Experience & London Tombs

0.5 km
Musée du patrimoine

The Crown Jewels

0.5 km
Site historique

Wall of the Innermost Ward

0.5 km
Site historique

Wakefield Tower

0.5 km
Salle de billard

Bermondsey Bierkeller

0.5 km

Emperor Trajan Statue

0.5 km

Beatz London

0.5 km
Site historique

Navigation statue by P. G. Bentham

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

Southwark View Point

0.5 km
Site historique

London Wall

0.5 km

Waterloo Block

0.5 km
Site historique

London Stone (remaining part)

0.5 km

The Steel Yard

0.5 km
Parc aquatique

Water Fountains

0.5 km
Site historique

Roman Wall

0.5 km
Musée national

Royal Armouries: White Tower

0.5 km

Tower of London

0.5 km
Site historique

Ceremony Of The Keys

0.5 km
Centre de conférence

Tour de Londres

0.5 km
Site historique

White Tower

0.5 km
Vélo en salle

MPowered Indoor Cycling Certification

0.5 km
Site historique

Garraway’s Coffee House plaque

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

Summer by the river

0.5 km

St John's Chapel

0.5 km
Site historique

The Cornhill Water Pump

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

Tower Wharf

0.5 km

Electric Dreams 80s club @ The Cannick Tapps

0.5 km
Terrain de golf couvert

Plonk Crazy Golf - Borough Market

0.5 km
Site historique

Roman Wall of Londinium

0.5 km

The Scoop

0.5 km

Sculpture in the City The Granary - Jesse Pollock

0.5 km

Minerva (Alan Collins’ sculpture)

0.5 km
Attraction touristique

Silver Tiger statue

0.5 km
